Tutorial: How To Clip In Our Deluxe Set Hair Extensions
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How To Clip In The Milk + Blush Deluxe Set
If you’ve never clipped in hair extensions before or if you need to refresh your memory then these steps are going to really help you out. We’d recommend bookmarking this page too so that you have something to refer back to until you totally get the hang of it.
Step 1
Start by clipping up a section of hair at the nape of your neck. You can braid or twist this up and then secure it in place with bobby pins. Doing this will help to hide the disconnect between the length of your natural hair and the extensions to give you a more natural finish.Step 2
You want to start by clipping in a 2 clip weft at the nape of your neck. You can clip this over the section you’ve pinned up so that it’s really secure.Step 3
Next, take another section just above the first and gently backcomb the hair before clipping in a 3 clip weft.
Step 4
You’ll need to section your hair at the widest point on your head for the next piece, so aim for mid-ear level. Once you’re done, backcomb the section before clipping in your 4 clip Volumizer weft.
Step 5
Above your Volumizer weft take another section, backcomb the hair and clip in your other 3 clip weft.
Step 6
Take a section of hair on the right-hand side of your head and tilt the section going upwards towards your face. Gently backcomb the hair and then clip in a two clip weft along the same line. This will angle the hair towards your face to give you a more natural blend.Step 7
You then want to repeat the same process and clip another two clip weft just above the first.Step 8
Next, take a section above your last 2 clip weft and clip in your 1 clip weft to seamlessly blend the hair around your face.
Step 9
Once you’re done repeat the 1 and 2 clip wefts on the left-hand side.