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Are your Hair Straighteners Making Your Hair Greasy?

Written by Shopify API on
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do-straighteners-make-your-hair-greasy-milk-and-blush We all know that heat styling your hair can be really damaging but have you noticed that it can look super greasy afterwards too? It’s the most annoying thing when you’ve spent hours heat styling but there could be some really simple reasons to explain why it’s happening...

Your hair is lying flat...

Straightening your hair will make it lie flat to your head which could be why it’s picking up a little more oil than normal from your scalp. This is especially true if your hair is naturally curly or more voluminous at the roots. To fix this just use some dry shampoo or gently backcomb your roots to create more of a gap between your hair and your scalp.


Your straighteners are dirty...

If you’ve noticed your hair getting more greasy over the past few weeks it might be because there’s a buildup of product on the plates. Everytime you straighten your hair it’ll pick up a small amount of excess heat protectant which will cling to the ceramic until it’s deposited back onto your strands. To fix the problem simply use some warm water and a cloth to gently buff off the buildup on the plates before you use them.

You’re touching your hair more...

There’s nothing more satisfying than running your hands through your freshly straightened hair but this could actually be the reason why it’s looking greasy. Touching your hair transfers the oil from your hands onto your locks so as much as you want to admire your work you could actually be ruining it. Instead avoid touching your hair as much as you can especially at the roots!

You’re using way too much product...

We get that you want to protect your hair from damage so using a heat protectant is obviously a must. That being said if you’re finding your hair is getting really greasy it might be because you’re using way too much. You only need to lightly cover your strands with heat protectant rather than saturating them as lots of excess product will weigh down your hair and make it look abnormally shiny. Straightening your hair should leave you with a super glossy mane and not greasy roots so we hope that with these hacks you’ll achieve exactly that! If you loved this one then we’d definitely recommend reading our post on 7 ways to protect your hair extensions from heat damage too which is full of great hacks.