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New Years Resolutions That Are Good For Your Hair

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MB-New-Years-Resolutions-That-Are-Good-For-Your-Hair Today we thought we’d share a few cool ideas that will help to give your locks a boost in 2019. We totally get that the whole ‘new year, new you’ thing is pretty lame but making positive changes doesn’t always mean signing up to the gym. New year’s resolutions can be a good way to set yourself up for a killer 12 months and these ideas will make a big difference to your hair health so they’re totally worth it! new-years-resolutions-that-are-good-for-your-hair-milk-and-blush-hair-extensions-blog

New Years Hair Resolution 1: Get More Sleep

Not getting enough sleep will make your skin go into oil production overdrive so not only will you find your skin breaking out more but you might find your scalp getting way more greasy too. This could be why your hair is looking a bit limp after way too many late nights! There’s also a link between the sleep hormone melatonin and hair growth so it’s definitely worth adding this one to your list. new-years-resolutions-that-are-good-for-your-hair-milk-and-blush-hair-extensions-blog

New Years Hair Resolution 2: See Your Hairdresser More Often

At the start of the year it’s a good idea to plan your haircuts in advance so that you’ll stick to regular trims. You need to get your hair cut every 8-12 weeks depending on how much your hair grows if you want to avoid damage and split ends. To set yourself up for a good year write your appointments down in your diary now so that you’re more likely to book them in and stick to your schedule. new-years-resolutions-that-are-good-for-your-hair-milk-and-blush-hair-extensions-blog

New Years Hair Resolution 3: Pamper Your Hair Like Your Skin

We all know how important it is to look after our skin with a routine and specific products but you should definitely be doing the same for your hair. Having a wash, mask and cut routine will help to keep your hair looking its best and will definitely help to prevent damage. If you’re not sure on where to start we’ve written a step by step evening haircare routine here that you can follow and adapt to suit you. new-years-resolutions-that-are-good-for-your-hair-milk-and-blush-hair-extensions-blog

New Years Hair Resolution 4: Switch Up Your Diet

After the Christmas period we’ll all be in need of a diet but switching up what you eat for the rest of the year can help to improve your hair health as well as your waistline. As your hair is made of protein it’s good to keep yourself topped up if you want it to look its best. Things like chicken, eggs, nuts and oats would be a great shout and will help to keep your hair strong and healthy. For hair growth it’s really important that you get enough iron in your diet so make sure to eat lots of spinach and other leafy greens in the new year. new-years-resolutions-that-are-good-for-your-hair-milk-and-blush-hair-extensions-blog

New Years Hair Resolution 5: Exercise

Such a cliche but if you don’t exercise regularly at the moment then picking up a class once a week will make a big difference to your hair. Not only does it reduce your stress levels but it also helps to get your heart rate up and boost circulation which will both promote hair growth. If the gym isn’t for you then going for a run or doing a workout video from YouTube at home will be just as good. Our fave is Cat Meffin for yoga videos! new-years-resolutions-that-are-good-for-your-hair-milk-and-blush-hair-extensions-blog

New Years Hair Resolution 6: Cut Down On Heat Styling

We get that this one will depend on your hair type and how you like to style it but if you can cut down on heat styling in 2019 it’ll make a big difference. Too much heat breaks down the protein in your hair and leaves it dry and more prone to damage. Instead check out our heatless hairstyles playlist for some inspo and try and hold off on the hair straighteners during the week. We hope this post has you totally inspired to up your hair game in 2019 and make some positive changes to your routine. For more inspiration click here to see our YouTube channel for some insane step by step looks that will help you slay the new year.