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Tips For Dry Hair

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tips-and-tricks-for-dry-hair-milk-and-blush As we’re approaching autumn it’s a good time to start changing up our hair routines. The colder weather, rain and wind can all play a part in stripping our hair of moisture leaving it looking a little lacklustre. For dry hair types, this can be particularly worrying as they’re already a lot more prone to damage. When your hair is dry the outer layer starts to break down making it harder for it to retain moisture. This is why it’s so important to keep it topped up with nourishment so that it stays looking healthy.

Why does my hair get so dry?

Sometimes it can be a genetic thing, as certain hair types are more prone to dryness than others. If you have dry skin then your scalp might not be producing enough oil to nourish your hair which is why it could be getting dry at the ends. It could also be down to your styling habits too, as excessive heat, dyes and skipping hair masks can all strip the moisture from your strands. tips-and-tricks-for-dry-hair-milk-and-blush

Which hair types are more prone to dryness?

Curly or very thick hair tends to be a lot drier as it’s harder for the natural oils to work their way down the hair shaft.

The best tips and tricks for dry hair?

If your dry hair is becoming brittle and dull then we’ve put together a few of the best tips to get it back to its best. Sticking to these as often as possible will really help to supercharge your hair and keep it from looking so lacklustre.

Switch To Co-Washing

Co-washing is a relatively new thing but it’s a godsend for anyone with really dry hair. It involves skipping the shampoo in replacement of a cleansing conditioner that’s a lot more gentle and less harsh. We’ve recently reviewed the Cleansing Conditioner by Kristin Ess which is a great option that will really help to nourish your hair. You need to work it into your scalp as it doesn’t lather which can take some getting used to but the results are amazing and it’s way less harsh. tips-and-tricks-for-dry-hair-milk-and-blush

Get A Silk Pillowcase

Using a silk pillowcase over a cotton one will prevent the moisture being zapped out of your hair as you sleep. Silk is a lot less absorbent than cotton and a much smoother surface, so it’s way more gentle and won’t cause knots or tangles. This will also help you to hold onto your hairstyle for longer so that you wake up with better-looking locks.

Start Using Oils

Regularly using oils on your hair will help to keep it topped up with moisture so that it’ll be less dry and a lot less prone to damage. You can either use it on the ends of your hair or as a mask by applying it through the lengths and ends and leaving it on overnight. We’ve got a blog post here with some of the best oils for your hair type that you might find really useful. tips-and-tricks-for-dry-hair-milk-and-blush

Be Strategic With Heat

We get that you’re going to want to heat style your hair at some point but doing it as little as possible is the best option for dry hair. If you can, we’d recommend blowdrying it into place and trying to hold onto it for as long as possible in-between washes. That way you won’t need to keep restyling and using loads of heat.

Try Hair Supplements

If your hair is naturally quite dry then taking supplements will help to give you the hit of the nutrients that your hair is lacking. OUAI have supplements specifically for dry hair made with Vitamin E, silica and iron to feed your follicles from the inside out. These, along with a good hair routine and diet could make all the difference to lacklustre strands.

Get Regular Trims

If you have dry hair then regular trims will be really important in order to help you hold onto the length. Dry hair is more prone to damage and once the ends of your hair split they’ll keep on splitting up the hair shaft damaging even more of your hair. It’s good to get it cut every 6 weeks to 3 months to keep on top of damage and to keep the ends looking healthy.