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M+B Hair Horoscope: January 2020

Written by Shopify API on
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Happy New Year and welcome to the first M+B Hair Horoscope of the decade! No matter what the stars had in store for you in 2019 we hope that you’re feeling good and inspired to make big things happen. It’s going to be an interesting one too, with a Lunar eclipse and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction all happening in the next 31 days. So clip in your hair extensions honey because it’s about to get real… What’s the vibe this month: This January is going to be particularly tough for you as challenging aspects surround your sign. You’re feeling a little down and frustrated, so trying to make big changes shouldn’t be your priority. Use this time to take a step back, pamper yourself and build yourself up again ready for the year ahead. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To hair mask more! Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This scrunchie tied bun is the perfect look for those days when you really don’t want to make an effort. What’s the vibe this month: Oh Taurus, did you really have to spend that much over the holidays? This is going to be a quiet month for you and you’re going to need to be super careful about what you’re spending - a trip to the salon is definitely out of the questions! Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To DIY my own hair products. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This sleek look requires minimal product so you won’t need to spend any more money to look good. What’s the vibe this month: Career ruling Neptune is circling your sign so now is the perfect time to push for your career goals. It’s time to knuckle down and make big things happen! Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To speed up your morning hair routine. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This chic low bun will take you minutes to create but is perfect for the office. What’s the vibe this month: As the Sun orbits your sign it’s bringing prosperity and good luck which is just what you need after the holiday season. Use this windfall to treat yourself to a new look and a boost of confidence this January. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To invest more in your hair. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: Glossy, chocolate highlights are one of the biggest hair trends for winter and we can’t think of any better way to treat yourself. What’s the vibe this month: You can’t think of any better way to start the decade than with a holiday and jetting off at the first possible opportunity. You’d rather sip cocktails on the beach than stick to New Year’s resolutions… Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To be more experimental with my hair. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This messy bun accessorised with a silk scarf is perfect for warmer weather and totally low maintenance. What’s the vibe this month: This month you’re feeling extra confident and are ready to get this year off to the best start. You’re not having a quiet month either and are feeling extra sociable! Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To experiment with different hairstyles. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: We love this pretty hairband with some swept back waves and it’s a great day to night hairstyle for your busy schedule. What’s the vibe this month: The Sun is in your 5th house of creativity and you’re ready to switch things up in 2020. Nothing changes if nothing changes so now is the time to think outside of the box and try something new - the same goes for your hair! Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To be more daring with my choices. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: We’d recommend trying the haircut of the season, a blunt bob and using one of our Volumizer wefts to add loads of thickness. What’s the vibe this month: Venus is affecting your sign this month and putting all your focus on love. Whether you’re single or in a relationship it’s a good time to schedule a date. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To spend more time on my hair. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This gorgeous bubble braid is perfect for date night, just make sure to use lots of serum so your hair is extra glossy. What’s the vibe this month: You’ve been feeling a little all over the place but as Saturn squares with your sign, it’s putting your emphasis on getting organised. You’ll feel so much better once you’re in your new routine and way less stressed. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To organise your hair care products and styling tools. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This relaxed half up, half down look is perfect for a day of organising. What’s the vibe this month: The lunar eclipse has you feeling a little sensitive and not your usual self right now. Getting dressed up and making an effort isn’t on your to-do list and you might find your hair's a little more unruly than usual too. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To take time out for a pamper. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: These dutch braids are really relaxed and perfect for giving your hair a break until you’re feeling more experimental. What’s the vibe this month: The lunar eclipse in Cancer is forcing you to reevaluate yourself and what better month than January to make some big changes. From your look to your career and future goals, it’s time to think about what you really want. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To try more on trend hairstyles. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This sleek braid is fresh from the SS20 catwalk and you can add loads of length with your Milk + Blush hair extensions. What’s the vibe this month: Neptune emphasises your planet of health from the 7th of January and your focus will be on nourishing your body and your soul. This month is all about health and healing and taking some time out for yourself is the best way to start the decade. Your New Year’s Hair Resolution: To get regular haircuts. Your horo’ hairstyle of the month: This chic low bun is a perfect alternative to your normal gym hairstyle.